Species are listed below . Please bear with us whilst this page loads lots of thumbs. Diptera are a huge group of many thousands of insects . To help navigate the site more effectively we have categorised the matrix below by each family most commonly found in the in the UK . Click on each thumnail to search for species within the Family. Eg Syrphidae = Hoverflies . To learn more about Insects visit the Insect Anatomy and Life Cycles Page as well as Dragons and Damsel Flies Still Fascinated click on the Link about Hover Fliesand other pages this section is constantly being updated.To visit the external links below on this page on Insects click this Link . This page will evolve into matrices EG: Hovers, Sawflies, Bugs, Bees , Wasps, Bees Shieldbugs ,Miridae. , Sawflies , Robber flies , Tachnid Flies etc as species are photographed and become available. Articles intoroducing groups as follows are also available EG: Hovers, Sawflies, Bugs, Bees , Wasps, Bees Shieldbugs , Robber flies. An outline of Insect Orders can be found below - Classification. We welcome any submissionsWildlife Shop
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DIPTERA by Fanilies
Bibionidae -
March Flies
Bee Flies
BlowfliesChironomidae -
Chloropidae -
Grass flies
Conopidae -
Thick headed Flies
- Dance Flies
Muscidae -
House / Stable flies
Psychodidae -
Moth / Owl Flies
Rust Flies
PsilidaeRhagonidae -
Rhinophoridae -
Woodlouse Flies
Scathophagidae -
Dung FliesSciaridae -
Fungus Gnats
All About Hover Flies
Marsh/Snail killing Flies
- Hoverflies
Clegs Horseflies
- Tachnid Flies
Tephritae -
Fruit Flies
Tipulidae -