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Size 11-13.5mm.
Head, pronotum and elytra dull metallic green, rarely black. Head finely punctate, easiest to see behind the level of the eyes, 2 setae or pores inside eyes. Antennae black with 2 basal segments light brown, segments 1-3 glabrous and keeled above. Palpi black, yellow at tip. Pronotum with 2 broad fovea, broadly explanate behind middle, not wider than elytra over shoulders. Eltra with 2 pores behind middle on third interstice or adjoining second stria, epipleurs crossed Legs black, femora sometimes rufous (cf. H.affinis), tibial spurs and claws dark red.
Habitat Prefers open, dry habitats with short grass e.g. parkland and agricultural fields but also occasionally in woodland.Easiest to find nocturnally Occasionally found active during hot dry summer days running on pathways etc Breeds in spring