Greater Thorn-tipped Longhorn Beetle Pogonocherus hispidulus

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Classification Order: Coleoptera– Long Horns Family: Cerambycidae

Home > Coleoptera > Cerambycidae Long Horn Beetles

Length 5 to 8 mm.



The basic color of the body is gray-black, with a wide whitish transverse band on scutellum. It has white marked antennae and a long teeth at the apex of each elytron.

Similar to P. hispidus but generally larger and with longer teeth at the tip of each elytron. Has white marked antennae and a white band on the scutellum. Well camouflaged on trees and shrubs due to lichen like appearance.

Similars Similar to P. hispidus but generally larger and with longer teeth at the tip of each elytron.


Life Cycle The larvae feed on small branches and twigs of dead wood.

Habitat Deciduous trees and shrubs especially Lime.

By Hectonichus (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons