Cassida vibex - Tortoise Beetle
Linnaeus, 1767
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Classification Order: Coleoptera Leaf Beetles Family: ChrysomelidaeHome > Coleoptera >> Chrysomelidae
Length . 5.5-7.5mm
Identification .
The Base colour is Green or yellowish-green. when alive, usually with a variable metallic reflection.
Pattern colour: Elytra possess a triangular spot around the scutellum with dark spots on the suture (which may fuse to form a broad dark sutural band merging with the scutellar spot). Usually also a small black spot near the middle or outside of the elytra.
Number of spots: Variable
Spot fusions: Sometimes
Pronotoum: As basic colour; sometimes with two small dark spots near the rear edge (these may be more extensive in some specimens).
Leg colour: Sam as the base colourSimilars
Life Cycle
Habitat It is often found on Thistles and Yarrow in summer. Ian field and road margins