Hawthorn Leaf Beetle - Lochmaea crataegi (Forster, 1771).
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Classification Order: Coleoptera Leaf Beetles Family: ChrysomelidaeHome > Coleoptera >> Chrysomelidae
Length . 4–5 mm,
Phenology April to August.
IdentificationThis leaf beetle has characteristic black markings on a red background.
.Reddish brown throughout but elytra with longitudinal black marks varying in size and intensity. Antennae darkened apically, insertions very close, shorter in male with joints less elongate. Head, thorax and elytra densely and confusedly punctured throughout, head more finely so. Pronotum characteristic with sharp hind angles, strongly sinuate hind margin and lateral margin angled at middle. Elytra glabrous, strongly bordered. Legs finely and densely pubescent, tibiae especially so. Male with joint 1 of all tarsi enlarged, as broad as 3. Female elytra less elongate than male and dilated behin
Life Cycle
Habitat It is seen along hedgerows and woodland where it feeds on Hawthorn leaves.Adults are found on Hawthorn (Crataegus) blossom,