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What Does The Balck Headed Gull Look Like ?
Not really a black-headed bird, more chocolate-brown - in fact, for much of the year, it has a white head. It is most definitely not a seagull and is found commonly almost anywhere inland. Black-headed gulls are sociable, quarrelsome, noisy birds, usually seen in small groups or flocks, often gathering into larger parties where there is plenty of food, or when they are roosting.
How Big Is It ?
Aprox 35 -38 cm , weighing 230 -260 g
Where does it live?
Coastal marshes, freshwater marshes, gravel pits, lakes and moorland pools.
Coastal marshes, estuaries, inland wetlands, reservoirs, ploughed fields, pasture, playing fields and rubbish tips.When does it Breed ?
April to July , 3 eggs, Incubation 22 - 24 days , young fledging at 5 - 6 weks Colonial birds , nesting in vegeation of old reeds see below
Where to see it
The commonest inland gull, particularly in N England, Scotland and Wales. Large colonies along the south and east coasts of England.
What does it sound like
Click here to Hear the Black Headed Gull
What does it eat?Worms, insects, fish and carrion.
Leighton Moss 20th April 2006