Blue Tit ( Parus caerulus )

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What does a Blue Tit look Like ?

The crown is blue , the sides of the head white , with a black stripe through the eye , wings and tail blue, underparts yellow, female paler.A colourful mix of blue, yellow, white and green make it a most attractive resident garden birds. Most gardens with a feeder will attract them and they readily breed in nestboxes. In winter they form flocks with other tit species and a garden bird table may support a great many over winter





How Big Is It ?

Aprox 11.5 cm , weighing 11 g

Where does it live?

Mainly deciduous woodland, especially likes oak trees. Has adapted to gardens with mature trees or nestboxes. Also found in parkland, hedgerows and conifers.
Woodland birds often move into suburban gardens in severe weather.

Where to see it
A common woodland and garden bird, also seen along hedgerows and in most places with trees and bushes.

What does it eat?
Insects, caterpillars, seeds and nuts.


Blue Tits feed on insects,caterpillars, and seeds. In springtime they feed also on pollen, nectar and sap, and in the autumn on berries.

In the garden they search among the plants and crevices for insects (e.g. aphids, beetles, and caterpillars) and spiders, but also take sunflower hearts or high energy seed from bird feeders, or peck at a suet food bar or peanuts.

They are one of the most agile birds, and they will entertain for hours by hanging upside down from feeders, branches, etc. They are also opportunists and will often peck through foil milk bottle tops for the cream.

Blue Tits, and other tits, also peck putty around windows, usually at winter time. Some may simply be hungry and attracted to the linseed oil in the putty, though it is thought more likely that they are simply searching for food.

What does it sound like?

A high pitched, trilling song; churring alarm call and high call notes.The Blue Tit's song is "tsee-tsee-tsu-hu-hu-hu-hu" and can be heard all year round. The alarm call is a churring sound.


When does it Breed ?

April to June , 7 - 14 eggs, Incubation 12 - 15 days , young fledging at 12 to 15 days,1 Brood per year in Britain. Nests in holes

When to see it

All year round.