Carrion Crow (Corvus corone corone ) Back To
What does the Carrion Crow look like ?
Stocky and Powerful , Jet black plumage with weak gloss ,sexes alike . The all-black carrion crow is clever and adaptable . It fearless, although wary of man. They are fairly solitary, usually found alone or in pairs. The related hooded crow has recently been split as a separate species. Carrion crows will visit gardens for food although cautious initially, soon learns to visit for food. Crows hunt in ones and twos, unlike rooks which flock; but crows can be seen in flocks of up to 40 in a bunch in early summer Crows and Rooks may be distinguished as adult the rook by the black feathers covering the base of its bill where the rook has a patch of bare skin. The crow's caw is more harsh and resonant than that of the rook.
How Big Is the crow ?
Aprox 47 cm, 550 g
Where does it live?
A wide range of habitats - wherever there are trees, cliffs and even buildings to use as nest sites.
A wide range.
Where to see it
Found almost everywhere, from the centre of cities to upland moorlands, and from woodlands to seashore.
What does it eat?
Carrion, insects, worms, seeds, eggs even young birds , fruit and any scraps.
What does it sound like?
A deep 'kaarr'
Click here to hear the Carrion CrowWhen Does the Crow breed?
March - June , 3-6 eggs, incubation 17 -20 days , young fledge at 32 -32 days , Nest of twigs in trees
When to see it
All year round.
Similar species
Rook, Jackdaw, Hooded crowCrows hunt in ones and twos, unlike rooks which flock; although can be seen in flocks of up to 40 in a bunch in early summer Crows and Rooks may be distinguished as adult the rook by the black feathers covering the base of its bill where the rook has a patch of bare skin. The crow's caw is more harsh and resonant than that of the rook.