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What does the Firecrest Look Like ?
This Bird has the reputatin of being one of the smallest bird in Britain . It is now an established breeding species, although only in very small numbers and is therefor scarce. Diiffers in appearance from the goldcrest by having brighter green upperparts, whiter underparts and a fiery orange crown stripe with broad whitish eyebrow stripe,below that it has a a short black stripe through the eye. This species is on the Amber List species .due to small breeding population
How Big is It ?
9 cm , weighing 5 g
Where does it live?
They arefound in spruce plantations and grounds with ornamental pines and firs, but they are not necessarily restricted to conifers - some nesting in mixed woodland. In the New Forest, they frequent deciduous woodland with an understorey of holly. Observed in bushes and trees, especially conifers, often in the company of goldcrests. Such cover may deter squirrels from talking eggs as food. This species breeds mainly in SE England and passage birds are observed largely on the east and south coasts.
Outside the breeding season, they disperse more widely and occur in assorted woodland habitats, and also in scrubby areas, often in mixed flocks with tits, treecreepers .and goldcrests
Migrants at the coast in autumn often make do with very little cover, appearing in coastal bushes and brambles before they move inland
When does it Breed ?May to July , 7 - 12 eggs, Incubation 14 - 17 days , young fledging at 20 to 24 days, Double Brooded Suspended nests in coniferous as pointed out Southern Species
Where to see it
Coniferous and mmixed and deciduous woodland
What does it eat?
Spiders & insects
What does it sound like?
Loud 'zi-zi-zi' call; a series of thin, high notes
When to see itAll year round, but passage birds arrive in September and October, with a return movement in March and April.
Similar speciesGoldcrest