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How Big Is It ?
Aprox 13 cm, weight g
What Does The Litltle Bunting Look Like ?
This is the smallest european Bunting Male has a chestnut crown stripe broadly edged with black and black bordered chestnut ear coverts. upper parts brown streaked with white under parts and streaks of black on breast. Nopustachial streaks black . white outer tail feathers . Female similar but duller juveniles dulleragain but streaked
Many thanks to Sue Tranter
Where does it live?
Tundra scrub , Mountain Tundra esprecially near water or in birch growth in marshy lowlands
When does it Breed ?4 - 5 eggs, Nests on the ground in depressions among bushes nest lined with moss fine grass etc
Where to see it
What does it eat?
What does it sound like?
A robin like tick. Song brief and musical with a robin like quality.
When to see it
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