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What does the Skylark Look Like ?
The skylark is a small brown bird, upperparts streaked dark brown, relatively long tail with white outer parts somewhat larger than a sparrow but smaller than a starling. It is streaky brown with a small crest, which can be raised when the bird is excited or alarmed, and a white-sided tail. The wings also have a white rear edge, visible in flight. It ihas distinctive for its flight display, hovering vertically up in the air whilst delivering its flight song. Its recent population decline make it a Red List species.
How Big Is It ?
Aprox 18 cm, weighing 40 g
Where does it live?
The skylark is found mainly in lowland farming areas, preferring those with a covering of grass or low green herbage, but it may also be found in suitable upland grassy areas. It is generally found in open habitats and avoids isolated trees and tall hedges.
In winter it prefers stubble fields, root crops and young pasture.When does it Breed ?
April to July , 3 - 4 eggs, Incubation 11 - 14 days , young fledging at 20 days, Double Brooded Nest on ground.
Where to see it
Found everywhere in the UK. Likes open countryside, from lowland farmland to upland moorland. Often inconspicuous on the ground, it is easy to see when in its distinctive song flight.
What does it eat?
Seeds, Green Plant material and insects
What does it sound like?
Call a liquid 'chirrup'; continuous warbling songWhen to see it
All year round.Similar species
Woodlark, Corn bunting, Meadow pipit