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What Does The Spotted Flycatcher look Like ?
Larger than a pied flycatcher, it is grey-brown in colour with an off-white breast, streaked with darker grey and a streaked forehead. They like to perch conspicuously and watch for passing insects, flying out to snap them up, before returning to the perch. Population declines puts the spotted flycatcher high on the Red List.How Big Is It ?
Aprox 14 cm weighing 16 g
Where does it live?
They prefer natural habitats, particularly open woodland with ample clearings and prominent perches, but can adapt well to gardens and parks which provide similar feeding opportunities.
Where to see it
During the breeding season spotted flycatchers can be found throughout the UK, although scarce in the far north and west and almost absent from Scottish islands. High densities are found further south along woodland edges and in parks and gardens.
When does it Breed ?May to July , 4 - 6 eggs, Incubation 13 days , young fledging at 12 to 15 days, One to Two Broods per Year . Two brrods per year. Nests in open Holes
What is its diet ?
What does it sound like?Call is an insistent - 'see tk-tk'; song is a thin and squeaky series of notes.
When to see it
They mainly arrive in May, and leave again in July and August. Passage birds from northern Europe can be seen in September.
Similar species
Pied flycatcher Spotted Flycatcher