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What Does The Tawny Owl Look like ?
Tawny Owls have a large round head , black eyes and is the size of a pigeon. It has a rounded body and head, with a ring of dark feathers around its face surrounding the dark eyes. It is mainly reddish brown above and paler underneath. It is a widespread breeding species in England, Wales and Scotland but not found in Ireland. Active at Dawn and Dusk and can be seen sunning itself between.Birds are mainly residents with established pairs probably never leaving their territories. Young birds disperse from breeding grounds in autumn.
How Big Are Tawnies ?
Aprox 38 cm, weighing 450 g Male and 550 g Female (Female Larger )
Where does it live?
Deciduous and coniferous woodland, but will also live in farmland and gardens, parks and churchyards where there are suitable nest sites in large trees.
As breeding - roosts in evergreens such as yew.When does it Breed ?
Feb to June , 2 - 5 eggs, Incubation 28 - 30 days , young leave nest at 25 to 30 days, fly a week later ,hole nester.
Where to see it
The tawny owl is nocturnal so it is often heard calling at night, but much less often seen. In the daytime, you may see one only if you disturb it inadvertently from its roost site in woodland up against a tree trunk or among ivy. Look for pellets below roosting places.
What does it eat?
Small mammals and rodents, small birds, frogs, fish, insects and worms.
What does it sound like?
The male calls with a hooting hooo-hoo-hooo, which is far-carrying. Female usually replies with a hoarser hoot. Also a ke-wick' call.
Click here to hear the Tawny Owl
When to see it
All year round.
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