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What Does It look like ?
Tail shorter than in the pied wagtail head Yellow , Upper parts Olive Green , under parts Sulphur Yellow.Winter plumage and Females and will be paler . A ground dweller , fkicking and walking its tail, sometimes sings in undulating flight typical of wagtails
How Big Is It ?
Aprox 16.5 cm , weighing18 g
Where does it live?
Cattle pasture , Bogs and Heaths
Where to see itIn Britain April to September
What does it eat?
What does it sound like?
When does it Breed ?
April to July , 5- 6 eggs, Incubation 13 days , young fledging at 11 to 13 days, 1 -2 Broods per year. Nests on the Ground.
When to see it
Similar speciesGrey Wagtail