Wingspan: 2 1/4 ( 57mm )
Unlike the other larger Fritillaries the High Brown and the Silver Washed Fritillary this resident butterfly prefers open country to Woodland . The Dark Green Fritillary gets its name from the Dark Green background on the underside of its hind wings ; on this background the silver spots a re arranged in at least two bands . This species is a fast flier , skimming and soaring between flowers; thistles are a favourite source of nectar . A Scotish sub-species is considerably Darker . Another form is Charlotta , once named the Queen of England Fritillary, in which the silver spots at the wing Base are fused together (July - August)
The Dark Green Fritillary is more widespread than the High Brown, but is still rather local in Cumbria. It is more frequent in the south of the county but also occurs on the coast and valley-sides elsewhere in Cumbria. It is less demanding of wooded sites than the High Brown and Silver-washed Fritillaries and is often found flying strongly in open grassland and nectaring at flowers such as thistles. The Dark Green Fritillary lacks the reddish rings on the underside of the hindwing that distinguish the High Brown Fritillary but does have silver spots there, unlike the silver streaks of the Silver-washed Fritillary. As with most other fritillaries the caterpillars feed on violets. The adults are flying from late June to early September.