One generation each year, with adults
emerging at the end of June in favourable years, peaking at the
end of July and early August, with only a few adults remaining until
the end of the month. In contrast with its close relative, the Meadow
Brown, this butterfly has a relatively-short flight period.
Pyronia tithonus is a characteristic field-margin species; it feeds
on grasses as larvae and nectar as adults. The larvae of Satyrinae
all feed on grasses, such as rough meadowgrass (Poa trivialis),
smooth meadow grass (Poa pratensis) and sheep's fescue (Festuca
ovina); they are usually green or brown. The pupae are a flimsy
chrysalis either hanging upside down or lying in grass. The adults
are often found around blackberry plants. The adult butterflies
have a short proboscis and the shallow flowers of the blackberry
provide an excellent nectar source.
Larval food plants The primary larval food plants are bents (various
Agrostis species), fescues (various Festuca species) and meadow-grasses
(various Poa species). Common couch (Elymus repens) is also used.[1]