ABH 59.020

High Brown Fritillary Argynnis adippe

BF 1606

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(Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
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Large; wingspan,
Male to Female : 60-67mm


Upper wings are orange with black markings and the undersides are colored a duller orange with white and brown markings. Whilst in flight it imay be difficult to o distinguish from the dark green fritillary which has many of the same markings.The main differential ID Character is by their undersides, where the High Brown Fritillary has a row of brown spots between the outer margin and the silver spangles, which are missing in the Dark Green FritillaryThe male and female fritillary are morphologiically similar
Argynnis adippe ssp. vulgoadippe (Verity, 1929)Occurs throughout the UK.This subspecies differs in its dimensions, the intensity of the base colour and the extent of green and red on the underside


Life Cycle

Common Dog-violet (Viola riviniana) is used in all habitats, but Hairy Violet (V. hirta) is also used in limestone areas. It may less frequently use Heath Dog-violet (V. canina) and Pale Dog-violet (V. lactea).



Favourable Habitat Mosaics include Bracken dominated habitats or grass/Bracken mosaics and limestone rock outcrops (likely where scrub or woodland has recently been cleared or coppiced).In warm weather the fritillary is most active, and spends most of its time flying low to the ground above and around Bracken and other flora.





Image 1800 (C) Colin Duke 2007 Gaitbarrow NNR

Image 1799 (C) Colin Duke 2007

Image 1797 (C) Colin Duke 2007