Crictopus Non Biting Midge TBC

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Classification Order: Diptera – true flies Family: Chironomida

Length .



Non-biting midge flies or chironomids occur in inland coastal natural or man-made water . They are commonly known as “blind mosquitoes” as appear mosquito-like but do not bite. AKA “fuzzy bills” because of the male’s bushy antennae. These aquatic insects are adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions.

Chironomid midges are found in swift moving streams, deep slow moving rivers, stagnant ditches, and in lakes and ponds that are rich in decomposing organic matter. Certain chironomid midges is often used as an indicator of water quality.

Life Cycle

Key Facts

Eggs (3000) laid on water surface
Larvae can make tubes in mud after eggs drop to mud
Feed on suspended organic matter
Matter Larvae called Bloodworms due to piment active at low DO
Larval stage can take from less that 2 to 7 weeks
Larvae transform pupae while still in tubes.
After 3 days, pupae actively swim to the surface
Because they do not feed, adults live for only 3 to 5 days.


Edwards, F.W. 1929 British non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae). (With appendix on British biting midges). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society, London 77: 279-430


Fly 7988



Fly 7817



Fly 7800



Fly 7802