A Parasitic Bee Fly - Conops quadrifasciatus Classification Order: Diptera true flies Family: Conopodiae
Wing Length To 10mm
Phenology June to September.
This Fly has a long proboscis and long pointed anal cell near the hind edge of the wing an identying pointer for this family Hind femora s are yellowish brown, Females has a small yellowish pouch under the 5th abdominal segment.Life Cycle
Conops quadrifasciatus
Hymenopterists may also find these flies interesting because theirlarvae are endoparasitoids of bumblebees! The adult fly will pounce ona bumblebee and lay an egg between the tergites - hence the curiouslycurved abdomen.
On umbellifers and composites such as Ragwort, especially in dry areas.