Meliscaeva cinctella(Zetterstedt, 1843)

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Classification Order: Diptera – true flies Family: Syphidae

Length .

Phenology April to November peaking August/September.


Abdomen is narrow with parallel yellow bands. The spots on tergite two are broadly rounded on their inner margins.
Compare to M cinta where the spots on tergite 1 are triangular and tighter to the scutellum

Life Cycle

The larvae are predators on a range of arboreal aphids.The larvae feed on aphids on a variety of tree species including Quercus, Picea, Pinus, Malus and Scambus. Normally found near trees(deciduous and coniferous) along woodland rides and edges, in open scrub, etc., where they visit flowers, including tree blossoms in the spring and white umbels, amongst many others, in the summer

Habitat Prefers cover of trees and bushes.


IMAGE 22302 (C) 2008 COLIN DUKE