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Classification Order: Diptera true flies Family: Syrphidae
Length .
Phenology It is found from April to September, peaking in late May and June.
Identification AKA Large Narcissus Fly or Narcissus Bulb Fly,
Exists in 4 sub forms of varying colour resembling several species of bumblebee.EgMerodon equestris var. bulborum
Merodon equestris var. equestrisLegs are always black , lives on Dafodil Bulbs and other Lilaceae such as Bluebells as Larvae .
A competent Bee Mimic. It has a triangular projection beneath the hind femur and wing veination is distinct for the species in the tribe Eristalinae
Life Cycle
Itattacks garden bulbs such as Daffodil. In the wider countryside it breeds on Bluebell bulbs. Larvae take up to 300 days to grow, Adults lives for 5 - 24 days.Habitat
Flowery spots and gardens.