Sulpher Tuft Hypholoma fasciculare
Cap Sulphur yellow, tan towards the centre of the cap; convex or slightly umbonate, with dark velar remnants attached to the cap margin. 2 to 7cm in diameter.Cap flesh is sulphur yellow and firm.
Gills Crowded adnate gills of Sulphur Tuft are initially sulphur yellow, becoming olive-green and progressively blackening as the spores ripen.
Stem of Hypholoma fasciculare are by and lartge concolorous with the cap, but browner towards the base; 5 to 10 mm in diameter, usually curved with length 5 to 12cm.
Spores Ellipsoidal, smooth, 6-7 x 4-4.5µm; with a small germ pore.
Spore printPurplish-brown.