Broad Clawed Porcelain Crab Porcellana platycheles
Pennant, 1777
Up to 1/2 " Accross
A common crab around all British coasts as far north as Shetland. small rounded flatish .Hairy. this crab can be identified by relatively large broad flattened claws. Hairs have a role in camoglage trapping mud and sediment
Found under boulders and large stones on the middle and lower shore especially among mud and gravel. It is mainly an intertidal species but can be occasionally found in the shallow subtidal.
Description & ID FeaturesThis small hairy crab (up to 15 mm in length) has very large, flattened hairy claws. It is greyish brown in colour on top, andd is dirty yellowish white underneath. The Crab exhibits a small abdomen which is concealed under its carapace. The 5th pair of legs are much reduced and are often hidden giving the impression of 3 pairs of walking legs.
- Color -Greyish brown top, dirty yellowish white underside.
- Carapace Rounded up to 15mm long and hairy.
- Claws - Large, flattened hairy .
- Legs - Only 3 Pairs of walking legs apparent.
Antennae 2- long .
Habitat Found under boulders and large stones on the middle and lower shore especially among mud and gravel. It is thought of as an intertidal species but is sometimes found in the shallow subtidal