ABH 7.001

1894 Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata

BF 1894

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Geometridae » Ennominae


20-25 mm.


Quite a variable species, with several named forms and subspecies, and the ground colour varying from yellowish to white and also a confusing black form Melanic alboguttata, which is best distinguished by the chequered fringes. The overall appearance is of a small brown, cream and white chequered moth which is often encountered by day.he wings usually have a netted, or 'latticed', appearance, created by dark cross lines and veins on the paler ground colour on the upper and underside of the wings
Key features
Latticed appearance to the wings
Males have comb-like antennae

Similars Common Heath Ematurga atomaria- which is less defined in its markings


Life Cycle

There are usually two generations, especially in the south, flying in May and June, and August and September, and the species flies by day as well as at night..The larvae can be found in summer and early autumn on clovers Trifolium spp. lucerne (Medicago sativa) and trefoils Lotus spp. It overwinters as a pupa.



It occurs in a range of open habitats, including moorland, grassland and waste ground,: A small, distinctive moth found on bogs, heaths, and woodland clearings. Adults are frequently seen by day resting among heather and other low vegetation. It normally flies in sunshine but is also active at night and is attracted to light in small numbers.Common in deciduous, often damp, woodland





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