ABH 70.107

November Moth Epirrita dilutata

BF 1775

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(Denis & Schiffermüller 1775 )
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Geometridae » Larentiinae


38-44 mm.


Three of the genus Epirrita, (November Moth, E. dilutata, Autumnal Moth, E. autumnata, and Pale November Moth, E. chrystyi), can be very difficult to separate on markings alone, especially as some show marked melanism. Epirrita dilutata agg should be used ynless a detailed exam has been made ( are generally separable only by dissection of the genitalia

Similar Species

Pale November Moth, Epirrita christyi
Autumnal Moth, Epirrita autumnata
Small Autumnal Moth, Epirrita filigrammaria


Life Cycle

The adults fly from late September to November, occurring in a wide range of habitats. The caterpillar is green with red markings and feeds on a wide range of trees and shrubs. The species overwinters as an egg.Larva feeds on various broad-leaved trees and shrubs, including Oak, Birch, Elm, Sallow, Aspen, Ash, Hazel, Hawthorn and Blackthorn, over-wintering as an egg.



Common in broad-leaved woodland, scrub, hedgerows and gardens throughout much of the British Isles,


Gen Det



Epirrita dilutata, November Moth, Trawscoed, North Wales, Oct 2015 2 - Flickr - janetgraham84


By Janet Graham [CC BY 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons