ABH 65.002

Oak Hook Tip Watsonalla binaria

BF 1646

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(Hufnagel, 1767)
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Drepanidae » Drepaninae


18-30 mm.


The forewings have two well-defined pale cross-lines and two blackish spots in the centre. The males are often darker and smaller than the female. The males can occasionally be seen flying high around oak trees.

The 'hook-tip' moths get their name from the shape of the tips of the forewings, and this species is one of the smaller members of the group. + Synonyms: Drepana binaria.

Similar to Barred Hook-tip W. cultraria, but larger and lacking dark cross-band of Barred Hook-tip.


Life Cycle

It is double-brooded, flying in May and June, and again in August. Mainly nocturnal in habits, it can be attracted to light. As implied, oak (Quercus) is the larval foodplant.The larvae can be seen from June to July and late August to September which then overwinter as pupae in a tough brown cocoon which is spun inside a tightly folded oak leaf.



Most numerous in oak woodland but can also be found in hedgerows, parks and gardens..



