ABH 70.103

Water Carpet Lampropteryx suffumata

BF 1750

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(Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
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Geometridae » Larentiinae


25-32 mm.


A spring-flying species, the adults of this moth are on the wing in April and May
A number of variations or aberrations occur,

Lampropteryx suffumata ab. porrittii, found in Yorkshire, but scarce elsewhere.- Striking black and white banded
Lampropteryx suffumata f. piceata A Fairly Plain ground colour form

The ground colour is brownish. Between the wingbase and the midfield, as well as between the central and margin field is a whitish lateral band. The dark midfield is serrated on both sides. The outer cross line limiting the midfield and shows a clearly protruding double wave. The margin field is heavily obscured below the apex.The hind wings are pale grey and have a strongly curved dark cross line.


The main confusion species is Devon Carpet L. otregiata, see for differences. Superficially similar to a number of other species, including Phoenix Eulithis prunata, but has a pair of small notches on basal edge of broad bar on forewing.


Life Cycle

The larvae feed on bedstraw (Galium).



It can be found in woodland, grassy areas, chalk downland and scrubland



