Corn Salad Valerianella locusta



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Low/Short Anual, Flowers pale Lilac, leaves Lower leaves spoon-shaped, upper ones oblong Branched annual of dry, bare places on grassland and dunes. . Pale lilac flowers are borne in flat-topped clusters with leafy bracts beneath; seen April to August. tiny, in flat topped clusters , bare and cultivated ground , walls and dunes . Other very similar species below . The calyx does not persist on fruit in locusta ( fruit rounded ) ( in carnata - fruit oblong, ). In dentata, rimosa eriocarpa calyx does persist. Number of teeth on main calyx tooth 2, = 1/2, 3 = 0, 4 = 6.

Flowering April - August. Height up to 30cm

1. Valerianella carinata
Valerianella dentata
3. Valerianella rimosa
4. Valerianella eriocarpa

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