Prickily Heath Gaultheria mucronata


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South American. Introduced 1828 this is a Chilean evergreen, dwarf, suckering shrub.In spring it produces a mass of small heather-like flowers which are followed later in the year by very showy marble- sized berries of purple, red/purple, pink or white depending on variety Evergreen shrub with dark, glossy, small green coloured leaves 8 - 20 mm .

IMAGE 23726 (C) 2008 COLIN DUKE
IMAGE 23728 (C) 2008 COLIN DUKE
IMAGE 23370 (C) 2008 COLIN DUKE
IMAGE 23735(C) 2008 COLIN DUKE
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IMAGE 23734 (C) 2008 COLIN DUKE
IMAGE 23741 (C) 2008 COLIN DUKE