Sea Beet Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima


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Family Chenopodiaceae,


A perennial plant which grows up to 1.2 m, and flowers in the summer with flower spikes are long and wavy and appear from July to September. Its flowers are hermaphroditic, and wind-pollinated tiny flowers stalkless and with no petals, but has yellow stamens whenfull flowering. The leathery leaves are dark green and glossy with reddish stems;, leaf shape varies from oval to triangular.


It lives in the wild along some shores in Great Britain. It requires moist, well-drained soils, and does not tolerate shade.It t forms sprawling clumps along cliffs and on shingle beaches and other other coastal habitats. It is a maritime plant able to tolerate relatively high levels of sodium in its environment.around the coast, on bare ground, path edges, and in coastal grassland. It can occur inland, either on roadsides where salt is spread in winter