Thyme-leaved Sandwort Arenaria serpyllifolia


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Family Pink Famiyl Caryophyllaceae


Annual or biennial. .as stems 6-10" long that are ascending or sprawling. These stems are round, dark purple, and finely pubescent. Multiple stems are produced from the base of the plant, otherwise they are little branched. The opposite leaves are widely spaced along the stems. Each leaf is about ¼" long and a little less across. It is ovate, smooth along the margins, and slightly ciliate. The upper stems terminate in small clusters of flowers; these flowers bloom only one or two at a time on pedicels about ¼" long. Each flower is about 1/5" across, consisting of 5 white petals, 5 green sepals, 10 stamens, and 3 styles. The petals are unnotched at their tips, while the sepals are lanceolate, slightly pubescent, and longer than the petals.

Height up to 15cm


Coastal regions