DescriptionVery common in damp shady places, either on bare ground or among other vegetation.
A low but upright plant, normally well under 30 cm high but taller in marshes. Flowers c 2.5-4 mm across. Ripe pod c 12-25 mm long.
Stem arises from basal rosette of leaves that have about 5 roundish stalked leaflets on each side and a larger one at the end. Stem leaves similar but smaller and often with narrower leaflets. Flowers (examine several) normally have 6 stamens, of which 2 may or may not be smaller than the others (the similar Hairy Bittercress normally has 4 stamens). Told from Cuckoo Flower by smaller size of all parts and by petals being narrow and separate rather than rounded and overlapping.
Other features: Stems slightly flexuous. Usually perennial (Hairy is annual). Flowers always white. Stems normally hairy but not always.