Large Leaved Lime (Tilia platyphyllos)
Linden, Broad Leaved Lime (family - Tiliaceae)
Large deciduous tree rare and restricted in habitats. Height 32m
9859 9858
Woods. Natural distribution in woods by River Wye, Teme and Severn and in South Yorkshire. Not native to Ireland but throughout France, Central Europe and Asia Minor.
Flowers Leaves Fruit Ripen Fall
June April/MaySimilar species:
Common Lime is a hybrid of Tilia cordata and T. platyphyllos
Uses :
Relatively soft white or yellow wood, valuable timber. Does not change dimensions or warp once seasoned. Uses of wood - Good for carving and making small articles and model making. Bark has strong fibre (bast) and once used for ropes. Food and drink - Sugar can be made from sap and beekeepers regard as a good source of nectar. On continent flowers dried to make tea.
Growth & Propagation
Deeply dormant seed. Treat as Acer campestre but start treatment approx 12 months before planting. Approx 6000 seeds per kg.