White Willow (Salix alba)
Irish Sailach (Willows in general) (family - Salicaceae)
Deciduous small tree with long thin leaves. Height 16m.
By streams in association with Alder and downy birch but not waterlogged soils.
Natural Distribution throughout Britain but commonest in England and throughout North Africa and parts of Asia.Phenology:
Flowers Leaves Fruit Ripen Fall
April/MaySimilar species:
There are 19 species of willow native to Britain - 4 of them are tree sized
Pale brown wood. Uses of wood - Shoots used for rough baskets and hurdles. Burns rapidly. Pollarded every 4-5 years to produce crop of straight poles. Food and drink - Shoots and leaves browsed by animals particularly horses and need protection when small. Useful for rapidly growing windbreaks and screens.
Growth & Propagation
From sets - insert short lengths of shoots into suitable soils leaving one or two buds above ground