Please note Hoverflies
and Shieldbugs
and Bugs and Bees/Wasps
have moved see main Menu
or Click on the hyperlink to find apropriate taxonomic matrix
Damselflies - Zygoptera
Calopteryx virgo |
Lestes sponsa |
Scarce Emerald Damselfly |
Lestes barbarus |
Chalcolestes viridis |
White-legged Damselfly |
Pyrrhosoma nymphula |
Erythromma najas |
Erythromma viridulum |
Damselfly |
Coenagrion hastulatum |
Azure Damselfly |
Coenagrion pulchellum |
Enallagma cyathigerum |
Ischnura pumilio |
Ischnura elegans |
Ceriagrion tenellum |